Q&A - What is Lampoon?

What is Lampoon Magazine? find out more about our story and commitment

Lampoon is a magazine by Lampoon Publishing House, released with the biannually printed issue and daily updated online at LampoonMagazine.com

What is Lampoon about?

Lampoon Magazine is about Sustainability, Diversity and Inclusion, Circular Economies, Traceability, Forestry, and Creative Crafting. Photographers and talented contributors from the worldwide creative scenario – fashion, arts, design, architecture, music.

About our commitment: what are the values and topics addressed by Lampoon Magazine?

Lampoon Magazine addresses the topics of: human dignity and diversity, innovation, environmental and social responsibility, circular economies, gender fluidity, diversity and inclusion, honesty and transparency – among the many.

What is the meaning and the definition of Lampoon?

In American English, Lampoon (noun) mens a sharp publication that aims to be sincere and straightforward; lampoon (verb) means to mock or ridicule. According to these dictionary definitions, Lampoon Magazine presents a rough approach in every detail of its journalistic activity..

About our story: when was Lampoon Magazine founded?

Lampoon Magazine was founded in 2014. More precisely, Lampoon Magazine was listed at the Milan Court Register of Press on December 19, 2014.

Who is the founder of Lampoon Magazine?

Lampoon Magazine was founded by Carlo Mazzoni, a professional writer and journalist born in Milano.

Who is the Editor in Chief of Lampoon Magazine?

The Editor in Chief of Lampoon Magazine is Carlo Mazzoni

Who is the Creative Director of Lampoon Magazine?

The Creative Director of Lampoon Magazine is the designer and architect Alessandro Fornaro.

Where can I find Lampoon Magazine?

You can find Lampoon Magazine in a selected list of bookstores, newsstands, concept stores, and museums stores worldwide. You can discover almost all of them by reading the Lampoon’s stockist. You can buy the magazine at the official Lampoon shop, that is the bookstore at Prototipo Studio.

How much does an issue of Lampoon Magazine cost?

The official price of a physical issue of Lampoon Magazine is 24 euros / 22 pounds / 32.95 dollars.

How often is Lampoon Magazine released?

Lampoon Magazine is released semi-annually, twice a year, in accordance with the two main fashion seasons:at the end of March and at the end of October.

What is the language of the physical edition of Lampoon Magazine printed edition?

Lampoon Magazine is published exclusively in English.
LampoonMagazine.com is published in English.
Lampoon.it is published in Italian.

What are the characteristics of the physical edition of Lampoon Magazine?

Lampoon Magazine is made with 100% recycled, biodegradable, Certificate FSC paper. with a soft cover. Page dimensions: 242x332mm, weight 2.2 kg. Multiple covers are usually released.

Which are the wholesale rates of Lampoon Magazine?

For B2B retail prices – firm / on consignment sales – please contact: [email protected]

How is Lampoon Magazine distributed?

Lampoon Magazine is distributed worldwide by New Export Press; in Italy by IPS Italy.

What is Lampoon Publishing House?

Lampoon Publishing House is an editorial content studio and provider. Publications by Lampoon Publishing House are distributed worldwide. The editorial activity is focused on the sustainable matters: circular economies and global forestry as main focus; the updated Italian skills in the manufacturing and crafts; the luxury and design industry. Lampoon Publishing House was founded in 2014.