FAQ - How to buy Lampoon?

Lampoon Magazine, help center and useful informations: where to buy and how to subscribe

Discover more about Lampoon Magazine: how to browse the digital Platform, where to buy the magazine and subscribe, who are the contributors, which are the news sections

How to browse the Lampoon Magazine Digital Platform?

For international edition, English-language only, visit lampoonmagazine.com
For the Italian  local edition, news in Italian language, visit lampoon.it
For the Lampoon Shop, the retail activity, the Lampoon  e-commerce, and the Lampoon Store – please visit prototipo.store

Where can you buy Lampoon Magazine?

You can purchase Lampoon Magazine on Prototipo Studio’s bookstore with front-door delivery in print format (24 euros plus delivery expenses); or you can alternatively choose the digital version, downloadable directly from the web site in pdf format (15 euros).

What is the difference between Lampoon Magazine and Lampoon Digital Platform?

Lampoon Magazine is a printed semi-annual publication (Fall and Spring issues). The Lampoon Digital Platform collects three web sites: the two online magazines – LampoonMagazine.com and Lampoon.it – and the retail web site for the e-commerce activity, Prototipo.store

What is the Lampoon website about?

The main topic of Lampoon web site is sustainability, and everything related to sustainability: diversity and inclusion, human respect, honesty, traceability. Lampoon’s online activity is a daily commitment on the very same asset news, interviews, reviews about a purpose economy based on sustainability, human respect, culture and tolerance.

Who are the contributors at Lampoon?

Lampoon Contributors are talented and relevant profiles in the international creative scenario; Lampon contributors come from many creative fields: photography, art, fashion, design, architecture, and more, as well as a series of original photo editorials.

How to become a Lampoon Contributor?

If you want to become a Lampoon contributor, please send an email to [email protected]

What is the Lampoon Library?

The Library section presents: the best selection of bookstores worldwide (many of them are Lampoon trusted retailers); the schedule year per year of the relevant fairs and events ( Lampoon is a supporting Media Partner of many); a collection of high-end niche perfumes; a travel guide listing the best hotels in the world, whose sustainable values reflect Lampoon’s identity.

What perfumes are listed in the Lampoon Library?

In The Perfume List, Lampoon presents a selection of fragrances whose values reflect the magazine’s mission: craftsmanship, respect for raw materials, a no gender image reference

What bookstores are listed in the Lampoon Library?

In the Books & Mags section – Lampoon presents a selection of worldwide bookstores, concept stores, museum/gallery boutiques, that currently distribute the print magazine to their customers within their physical and/or digital retail points.

What hotels are listed in the Lampoon Library?

In the Traveler section, Lampoon recommends a selection of hotels recommended whose values reflect: respect for historicity, sustainable design and responsible hôtellerie choices.

Does Lampoon have a store or a shop?

The official Lampoon store (or Lampoon shop) is Prototipo Studio.

How to subscribe to Lampoon Magazine?

Lampoon offers a two-year subscription to the printed edition, delivering 4 issues at your doorstep over the course of two years. You can subscribe online through this page or by email, writing to [email protected] giving your full name, delivery address, and billing address. The cost of the two-year subscription is 96 euros (24 euros per issue) with free shipping in Italy and discounted rate for international shipping.

How to stay up to date on news from Lampoon Magazine?

You can stay up to date on news from Lampoon consulting daily the official Lampoon Magazine websites – lampoonmagazine.com and lampoon.it – and subscribing to the weekly newsletter.

What is Lampoon Weekly Dispatch?

Lampoon Weekly Dispatch is the official weekly newsletter of Lampoon Magazine, which gathers a selection of the best articles of the week.

When the Lampoon Weekly Dispatch is released?

The Lampoon Weekly Dispatch is released once per week, every Wednesday morning at 7am.

How to subscribe to Lampoon Weekly Dispatch?

You can subscribe to Lampoon Magazine’s weekly newsletter here.

Does Lampoon have a Privacy Policy?

You can view the privacy policy of Lampoon Magazine here.