Gay weddings are not allowed in the Catholic church. Angelo formato AI project make it possible
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Pope Francis allows blessings for gay couples, using Artificial Intelligence

AI by Angelo Formato Lampoon Digital: using artificial intelligence to imagine the church as a place definitely open to positivity and inclusion – is Pope Francis approving or not?

A Love Story for a Brighter Future: The Wedding Party – Angelo Formato on digital respect and human diversity following the words of Pope Francis

AI has transformed the church into a place open to positivity and inclusion. Following the words of Pope Francis about same-sex couple, Angelo Formato AI project image gay weddings 

Title: A Love Story for a Brighter Future: The Wedding Party

Whether a same-sex couple can marry in church depends on laws and religious beliefs. Most churches, especially in Italy, do not allow same-sex marriages. The issue is subject to debate and varies greatly among different religious communities and countries.

This project aims to explore and document everyday situations that are unlikely or not discussed in public because of social, cultural or religious taboos. The church celebration of a wedding between individuals of the same sex with a classical Italian Catholic rite was made possible thanks to artificial intelligence. It allowed me to make this experience real, challenging prejudices accumulated over a lifetime and enabling individuals often marginalized by the church to still express their religion and authenticity, just like everyone else. Bride and groom and guests, without fear, show their authenticity by living their religion in freedom.

Artificial intelligence has transformed the church into a place open to positivity, tolerance, inclusion and fairness. Most importantly, it has made it real. I just hope this can make people realize that not only is it real, but it can be real if we just believe in it. A project on a parallel reality of digital respect and embrace of human diversity.

Angelo Formato – the photographer commitment with digital respect and human diversity

Born and raised in Naples, Angelo Formato moved to London in 2012 to pursue his dream of becoming a photographer. Angelo Formato portrays characters with a natural and real approach in terms of lighting and photography. Recently he used digital intelligence for his works, connecting with themes like digital respect and human diversity

Editorial Team

The writer does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would benefit from this article.

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Image generated with A.I. Angelo Formato

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